Our data sources
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  • Private equity & asset managers
    Leverage 50+ datasets to generate custom analytics across the entire investment cycle, from sector scans, to diligence, to portfolio work.
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    Understand how target has performed in key markets
    Identify white space opportunities for geo. expansion
  • Data & insights
    Access the most granular competitive intelligence available today, tailored to meet your exact needs
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    Analyze granular market share trends by category and key competitor
    Understand where your customers are spending money
    Data analytics
  • E-commerce
    Access 25+ consumer panels that track online transactions with product-level detail
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    Track online share at a retailer, brand or product level
    Benchmark pricing and assortment against peers
  • Brand & category management
    Drive merchandising decisions by tracking product-level performance via our consumer panels
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    Track which products and categories are growing fastest
    See brand share at specific retailers
    Brand management strategy
  • Digital marketing
    Track real-world performance of paid marketing efforts by linking ad-IDs to omnichannel consumer transaction data
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    Track whether consumers spent more after viewing your specific marketing campaign
    Conduct “test and learn” campaigns to identify high ROI campaigns and segments
    digital marketing data
  • Strategy
    Leverage 50+ datasets to understand competitive gaps or support strategic initiatives with data
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    Identify relative market share across all key categories
    Identify the fastest growing markets for adjacency opportunities
    Data-driven decision-making and strategy

Competitive intelligence by Bain & Company